Itikaf, Its Importance & Itikaf Registration

Itikaf, Its Importance & Itikaf Registration Process In Makkah

Last Updated: January 26, 2024By

Ramadan is just an amazing month with respect to spiritual deeds. It is the most significant month of the Islamic year so is very important for the Muslims. Living in any corner of the world, Muslims celebrate this month with great reverence. It is because this month has got so many rewards along with a pleasure in Ibadah which is not that much spiritually exciting in other days. ‘Laylatul Qadr’ is an amazing gift for Muslim Ummah which in this month. Another amazing chance that Allah (SWT) provides the Muslims is that of ‘Itikaf’. It is performed in the last ten days of Ramadan it can also be less than ten days. Muslims sit in seclusion and with full focus and reverence pray to Allah (SWT) and bow to him.

Its importance can be known by the Holy Quran and Ahadith

Anything mentioned in and is stressed in Ahadith and Quran becomes important. Importance of Itikaf can also be known by Ahadith and the holy Quran. As in a Hadees, quoted by someone, Holt Prophet (SAWW) said:


In the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) says:

The Great Rewards Of This Ibadah Are Really Stimulating

Rewards of every Ibadah are great as they are performed whole-heartedly and only in the favor of Allah (SWT). The rewards of Itikaf are also great. The rewards of this virtue are countless that you are going to get as a result of this Ibadah. Moreover, what is more, important than the fact that Allah (SWT) is pleased? You are definitely going to protect yourself from Hell by performing this act. In addition to it, Itikaf brings you closer to Allah (SWT).

Itikaf Registration Process In Makkah Is Done Through An Online System

If you want to perform Itikaf in Masjid al-Haram, the registration must be done earlier. This process is very easy as it can be done online. You should not get worried about going there in person and carrying out the whole procedure of registration. You have to make an account. After that, you need to go through the process of filling it. It will be in Arabic and you need to translate in English by the provision of your search engine. After carefully filling it in, you have to submit or save it as the instruction says.

Confirmation About Registration Is Very Important To Make It Sure

You will be using your email address for registration. After registration, you have to visit your inbox in order to make sure that you are registered. You will get an email for confirmation and in this way; you can validate your registration.

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