Why People Hate Islam

Why People Hate Islam?

Last Updated: February 16, 2024By

Punishment of Islam Conversion

The Islam is a religion of love; if we took a look at past, then the best result would in front of us. Islam is not a religion of hate; Islam is a very polite religion rather than others. Allah Almighty sent His Messengers to guide us, so that we can be able to choose the right way to go. This is the only way to stop hanging and stoning of innocent people. A Muslim father killed his daughter for converting Christianity after cutting her tongue. There are five pillars of Islam, which will not let him down. These are Shahadah, Prayers, Sawm, Zakat and Hajj and Umrah. Those people who are leaving Islam must be really miserable people and will burn in hell.

Punishment Is Same For All

In the earlier days, when our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) messaged us about Islam than He had to face many difficulties, but He did not pray to Allah to destroy them even an angel told Him, if He wants to destroy them than He can. Islam does not say to be murdered those people who never believe in Islam. Islam is an easy religion. It is possible to convert into Islam from another religion, but if you are Muslim and converted to another religion, then your punishment will be in the form of your murdered. Once he converted into another religion, then he restricted, and not come back in Islam. It does not matter the converter would be child or adult, men or women, age would not be beard what so ever. It does not matter what apologists for Islam may tell you, the penalty for apostasy for Muslims is death, whether he/she would be a stranger, family member or even a friend. Islam is a peaceful religion. 

People hate Islam.

Some people hate Islam because they have no enough knowledge about Islam. How can you hate someone, you never saw what you see is probably a little aspect of Islam. Islam is so flexible religion, but if there is no punishment, then how we will work out for it” It is reality that Allah almighty never does wrong with someone. Love is a human assessment. . Someone can conflict with others as they do not love him. Every human wants to be loved; scarcely can there be someone who finds it acceptable to be hated by others. He is just reacting the wrong way. It should be marked with the word and deed. If you study then you can easily find out the best examples of lenient Islam, Umrah packages from UK. The best example of Islam is the unique Holy book Quran, which have the all solutions in it. Allah Almighty said I am the responsible of the Holy book until the last world; even a single world cannot be changed. 

Peaceful Religion in Human Rights

That’s why does not matter how much we follow the other religion, lifestyle, but when someone talking against the Holy Quran or Islam, we always able to reply him. It is the blessings of Allah Almighty. Some people say that Islam is a terror. But how they can say that” Islam says if you find someone who follows the other religion, stop him by hand, if you are not able to then stop him by tongue, If you are even not able to then stop him by heart, it is the weakest point of faith, if Islam was a terror then said to destroy them. Even Allah says to Muslims, first of all give the human rights, and try to spread prosperity.

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