cloth of Kaabah

The cloth of Kaabah (Ghilaf-e-Kaabah) during the Islamic Era

Last Updated: February 12, 2024By

The history of Ghilaf-e-Kaabah is not different from the history of Kaabah itself. Muslims respect for Kaabah dignifies the importance and glory of this place.

Prophet Muhamamd (S.A.W.W) and the companions of the Prophet didn’t cover the Holy Kaabah before the conquest of Makkah. Part of the reason was because non-believers could not bear it at all. Even after the conquest of Makkah, Prophet (S.A.W.W) didn’t cover the Kaabah with a cloth. Sometimeslater Prophet (S.A.W.W) brought a cloth from Yemen. Then Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A), Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Usman (R.A) covered the Kaabah with a famous cloth of Egypt. Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (R.A) also used to cloth it twice during a year. Then companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.W) in the later generation would do the same with a silk cloth. Kaabah was clothed twice every year, one with the silk cloth and other with the Qubati (famous Egyptian cloth).

The upper part of the silk cloth was outfitted on 8th of Dil-hijja(with a red cover) and the lower part would be dressed on the day of Ashura after pilgrims would go back from their journey of Hajj or Umrah. This silk cloth would remain till 27th Ramadan (with White silk) then Qubati cloth was dressed upon it.

After the Abbasids in 659 H, the first person who had the privilege in clothing the Kaabah, was a King of Yemen named Malik Zafar. In 661, Malik Zahir performed this honourable task after the Abbasid Caliphate. In 751 H, the Egyptian King Ismail Bin Nasir Muhammad allocated a separate fund for the cloth of Kaabah. He would send the Black cloth for Kaabah once in every year and Green cloth for Madinah after every five years. But in the early thirteen century this fund was replaced with a government budget. During 810 H, a separate curtain was fabricated along with the main cloth known as the Burqa of the Cloth.

When pilgrims perform Hajj or Umrah they try to be as nearest to the Holy Kaabah as they could. The Blessings and the Barakah attached to the Kaabah attracts everyone. Some people cannot fulfil their duty of Hajj owing to the lack of resources therefore they have such a strong yearning, deepest desire to visit this Holy land. With Hajj package 2016 and Umrah Package 2016 now everyone can avail this Holy chance to touch the glorious Kaabah. For those who are looking for Cheap and Economy Umrah Packagesit is a golden chance to grab it now.

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